Equip Hour Schedule
We have two Equip hour tracks. Find the class you want to attend, and join us in the opposite worship service.

What Are Growth Groups?
Growth groups are the age-based groups that meet weekly to minster to your specific stage of life.

PBC Kids
With Nursery, Preschool, and Elementary classes, PBCKids is an intentional ministry, driven by the Gospel, to care and teach big truths to little hearts. These are foundational stages for nurturing, building a Biblical worldview, and shaping a precious and purposeful identity within the Church.

Youth Group
Split between Middle and Highschool ages, PBC Youth is a group where we aim for teens to make their faith their own, learning and living it out with their peers. This is a great time for deepened teaching, but also for cultivating life-long spiritual habits and gospel-centered friendships.

College Group
If you’re attending a local college (or college-aged, but not attending), Palmetto College Group has been connecting and equipping college students for life–whether Equip Hour to apply God’s Word to pressing life issues, or events and Palm Groups to grow and serve in community of other similar-aged students who are seeking to use their life for glorious gospel purposes.

Young Adults
Catered for a shared stage in life, the young adults group is filled with people who are in the beginning or searching stages of their career and are seeking a stabilizing, Christian community while they figure out how to handle the major responsibilities in life and stay on mission for Christ.

Young Marrieds
New to married life, this group is for non-parents who are learning to do life as a couple, serving together and supporting each other in their their Great Commission work and walk with Christ.

Family Ministries
Family Ministries exists to strengthen and equip families in their pursuit of a godly home through the application of God’s Word. These are critical years with great opportunities for making an impact on the next generation through the evangelization and discipleship of our children.

Adult Ministries
Just like we plead for people to not waste their younger years, we encourage the older generations to continue pursuing God, sharing the Gospel, and living a life that points to the goodness and faithfulness of God. There are decades of grace, wisdom, opened doors, resources, and testimonies that can be leveraged for the glory of God in the Church.
What Are Elective Classes?
Electives are the topic-based classes that meet weekly to equip you for life by teaching through specific books of the Bible or on other relevant issues.
Biblical Leadership
Join Pastor Ken Bixby as he coaches this class through a biblical theology of leadership.
General Bible Study
Two General Bible Study tracks are offered. During Equip Hour 1, Pastor Dusty Raines leads a study through the Gospel of Luke. During Equip Hour 2, Kevin Johns and Sam Munn lead a study on the Beatitudes.
Bruce Meyer and Alan Benson apply the book of Galatians directly to everyday life in this class.